Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
August 2008 • Issue 13

Call for new ispo BrandNew Award applications

The ispo BrandNew Awards applications are open. Download your application form at There is no charge to register or apply for the ispo BrandNew Awards. Deadline for entries is 29 October 2008.

First place in each category as well as the overall winner will receive the following:

  • a free booth (approximately 20m2) in the BrandNew Village
  • double page introduction in the BrandNew Magazine as well as a photoshoot by BrandNew if applicable
  • large introduction in the press information, which is distributed to approximately 1 500 international journalists
  • a full page on, including download options for photographs, logos and press releases as well as a link to the winner’s own website
  • international TV coverage with interviews and product presentation (depends on the TV-station)
  • 8 exhibitor tickets
  • special entry in the ispo visitor information system
  • presentation on the ispo BrandNew photo-CD and CD-Rom, which is distributed to the media
  • ispo catalogue entry with logo
  • space for press releases in the BrandNew section of the ispo press centers

Tips for the application

Increase your chances

Most important and most simple: meet the requirements, fill out the requested forms completely and meet the deadline (October 29th, 2008).

Before putting your application together please consider the following: The judges of BrandNew have never heard about your brand or product before. Some of the judges may not be familiar with the sports discipline you are applying with. The jury has to examine over 200 applications during their meeting.

How would you convince somebody unfamiliar with your product to buy it (within 2 minutes)?

What are the essential features of your product?

What is really important to understand your sports segment?

Why does the sports market need your new product?

What are the consumer's advantages?

These hints may help you with the presentation of your idea. Keep it as specific, down to the point and as simple- as possible - or as you learn in marketing: KISS (keep it simple, stupid!)

Now you can put your presentation together.

Here is some advice that may help you:

1. Complete your application,
  • fill out the questionnaire
  • choose one/several product sample(s)
  • gather samples of your marketing material
  • put together a CD with some photos (300 dpi) and your logo (vectorised, .eps, CMYK, illustrator)
2. Video
  • include a video in which you personally explain your product, max. 2 minutes, in English.
  • DVD/Quicktime (1024x768) in high resolution, full screen (please bear in mind that your film will be shown on a large screen). It helps the jury to see and hear you explaining your idea personally
  • no music in the background of the DVD during speaking as it just makes it difficult to understand what you are saying
  • by the way: all winners of the last events provided a video
3. Message
  • carefully think about your answers in the questionnaire and the message in your video
  • think about rehearsing your video presentation to your friends and family who are not familiar with the product and get their feedback
4. Deadline
  • send your complete application on time - deadline is october 29th, 2008
  • give the organisation team of Pascher+Heinz enough time to get back to you in case they have additional questions and to prepare the presentation to the jury

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