Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
Jan 2009 • Issue 21

Rivers preserved for flyfishing

The Cape Piscatorial Society has come to an agreement with CapeNature that rivers favoured by fly fishermen will be zoned for recreational trout fishing and that the society and other angling organisations will manage them – in return the society will not oppose the proposed use of the poison rotenone in rivers or dams to save indigenous fish, provided it was done responsibly and complied with environmental law. The rivers that will be manged by the fishing societies are the Elandspad, Holsloot, Molenaars, Smalblaar, Witte, Witels and Jan du Toits Rivers. Only one of the rivers intended for poisoning, the Krom River in the Cederberg, contains trout, but only a few flyfishermen fish there.

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