Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
Mar 2009 • Issue 25

Cheaper sports grow the most

The SGMA (Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association in the US) Sport & Fitness Participation Report (2009 edition) shows that sports and other activities that showed significant growth in America from 2007 to 2008 were either fitness, or family/social activities that do not cost much money to participate in.

Fitness activities that fell into this group included step aerobics (up 21.0%), high and low impact aerobics (up 8.7% and 7.9% respectively), elliptical motion trainers (up 7.2%), dumbbells (up 6.2%) and walking for fitness (up 2.7%). Walking for fitness remains the most popular activity in the US with 111.7-m participants.

Family/social activities that showed significant growth were ultimate frisbee (up 20.8%), backpacking (up 18.5%), surfing (18.2%), racquetball (up 18.1%), court volleyball (up 17.2%), trail running (up 15.2%), indoor soccer (11.8%), bicycling (up 10.2%) and tennis (up 9.6%).

Since 2000, a number of fitness activities, competitive sports, and recreational endeavours have shown ‘statistically significant’ growth – especially in the fitness category.

Sports and Fitness Activities with the Highest Growth Rates Since 2000 (age 6 and above; U.S. residents; source: SGMA)

2008 Participation
Growth Rate Since 2000
1. Pilates Training
8 886 000
2. Elliptical Motion Trainer
25 284 000
3. Lacrosse
1 127 000
4. Stretching
36 288 000
5. Tennis
18 558 000
6. Spinning
6 693 000
7. Table Tennis
17 201 000
8. Paintball
4 857 000
9. Treadmill
49 371 000
10. Running/Jogging
41 130 000

Six of the top ten growing activities are fitness related, however the following athletic and recreational activities are of high interest among Americans:

» Team sports: The top three most popular team sports are basketball (26.3-m), baseball (15.0-m), and outdoor soccer (14.2-m).
» Racquet sports: Racquetball (up 18.1%), tennis (up 9.6%) and table tennis (up 7.8%) have shown a significant growth.
» Outdoor sports: The leading activities are freshwater fishing (40.3-m), bicycling (38.1-m), camping (33.7-m), and day hiking (32.5-m).
» Water sports: The top two growth activities in overall participation (2007 vs. 2008) are surfing (up 18.2% to 2.6-m participants) and snorkelling (up 10.8% to 10.3-m participants).
» Individual sports: Since 2000, the top growth sport for overall participation is bowling (up 12.9% to 58.7-m) and the other top most participated activities are billiards/pool (49.0-m), and golf (27.6-m).

According to SGMA, the sports and activities with the highest levels of interest among core participants in 2008 are fitness-related as fitness activities account for 11 out of the top 15 athletic pursuits.

Most Popular Sports and Fitness Activities Based on ‘Core’ Participation (age 6 and above; U.S. residents; source: SGMA)

2008 Participation
Core Level of Frequency
1. Walking for Fitness
76 375 000
50+ Days/Year
2. Treadmill
28 109 000
50+ Days/Year
3. Stretching
27 619 000
50+ Days/Year
4. Hand Weights
26 927 000
50+ Days/Year
5. Weight/Resistance Machines
23 469 000
50+ Days/Year
6. Running/Jogging
23 402 000
50+ Days/Year
7. Dumbbells
22 577 000
50+ Days/Year
8. Freshwater Fishing
21 415 000
8+ Days/Year
9. Bicycling (Road/Paved Surface)
19 950 000
26+ Days/Year
10. Billiards/Pool
17 178 000
13+ Days/Year
11. Basketball
17 672 000
13+ Days/Year
12. Barbells
17 318 000
50+ Days/Year
13. Home Gym Exercise
14 910 000
50+ Days/Year
14. Elliptical Motion Trainer
13 556 000
50+ Days/Year
15. Bowling
13 482 000
13+ Days/Year

While fitness is the industry’s leading overall participation category, many Americans initially get introduced to athletics through team sports.

Leading Team Sports Based on ‘Core’ Participants (age 6 and above; 2008 participants; U.S. residents; source: SGMA)

Core Participants
Total Participants
% of Core Participants
1. Basketball
16 672 000 (13+ days)
26 254 000
2. Baseball
10 166 000 (13+ days)
15 020 000
3. Outdoor Soccer
6 481 000 (13+ days)
14 223 000
4. Slow-Pitch Softball
5 906 000 (13+ days)
9 835 000
5. Touch Football
4 294 000 (13+ days)
10 493 000

This year’s SGMA Sports & Fitness Participation Report has overall participation figures for 118 sports in nine different categories (aerobic activities, conditioning activities, strength activities, individual sports, racquet sports, team sports, outdoor sports, winter sports, and water sports). Copies of the SGMA Sports & Fitness Participation Report (2009 edition) are available from

This year’s study has been done as a joint effort of the USA Sports & Fitness Participation Study, a collaboration of sports associations that have been doing participation research separately for a number of years: Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, Tennis Industry Association, National Golf Foundation, IHRSA, Snowsports Industries America, and the Outdoor Industry Foundation.

During late January/early February of 2009, a total of 41 500 online interviews were carried out with a nationwide sample of individuals and households from the US Online Panel operated by Synovate. A total of 15 013 individual and 26 487 household surveys were completed. The total panel has over one million members and is maintained to be representative of the US population. Over sampling of ethnic groups took place to boost response from typically under responding groups. A weighting technique was used to balance the data to reflect the total US population aged six and above. The following variables were used: gender, age, income, household size, region, and population density. The total population figure used was 279 568 000 people aged six and above.

The online methodology allows for re-contacting specific groups of sports participants such as frequent runners or home gym users for follow-up consumer targeted research. Individuals who have recently stopped playing or participating can also be targeted for follow-up interviews. This provides the opportunity for companies to develop deeper consumer research in areas including brand tracking, point-of-purchase influences, purchase frequencies and usage/attitude studies.

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