Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
April 2009 • Issue 26

Show on sourcing to benefit environment

The Buy-Environmental Trade Show and Conference 2009 - which will be held 9-10 June 2009 at Vodaworld, Midrand - is a business-to-business conference designed to expose corporate buyers and government to the latest international trends, services and technologies in the environmental goods and services (EGS) sector.

Speakers will include Michael Bruangart (EPEA - cradle to cradle), Edward Warcaba (Good Environmental Choice), Julia Clarke (DBSA), Bas Kothuis (BECO-ISB) and they will form part of a two day agenda of presentations and practical sessions providing exposure to new project opportunities emerging from the EGS sector, company case studies and learning opportunities, knowledge about the application of the latest EGS product updates and services, and network opportunities with industry and government leaders and product and service suppliers.

There is an ‘early bird’ registration rate of R4 950 excluding VAT. Visit to register or email for more information.

The show is co-hosted by the South African Department of Trade and Industry, Environmental Goods and Services Forum of South Africa, National Cleaner Production Centre, The Natural Step and World Wildlife Fund and it is endorsed by the Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA), The Southern African Association for Energy Efficiency (SAEE) and The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Society.

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