Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
May 2009 • Issue 27

CPI inflation decline

BER has released their Inflation Expectation Survey – First Quarter of 2009 in which they reveal that the average CPI inflation expectations of analysts, business executives and representatives of the trade union movement in respect of 2009 declined from 8.6% to 8.3%. Analysts and business executives’ expectations dropped by 0.9 and 0.2 percentage points respectively. In contrast, trade unionists’ expectations increased by 0.3 percentage points.

CPI inflation expectations in respect of 2010 have increased to 8.0% during Q1 2009 – after declining from 7.7% (Q3 2008) to 7.5% (Q4 2008). Since the previous survey, total inflation expectations have risen due to the higher expectations of the business and labour sector overshadowing the analysts’ lower expectations. Trade union representatives revised and increased their expectations by 1.7% and the business sector by 0.2%. Analysts expect the CPI inflation to fall within the target range during 2010; business and labour expect it to exceed the target by wide margins.

The CPI inflation is forecasted to decline in 2010 from 8.0% to 7.8% in 2011.

The household inflation expectations increased from 9.1% (Q4 2008) to 10.1% (Q1 2009) – the highest increase since Q2 2003.

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