Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
Feb 2008 • Issue 3

Knives & paintball markers restricted

If proposed amendments to the Dangerous Weapons Act goes ahead, the sale, manufacture and ownership of knives, airguns, paintball markers, bows and arrows, spear guns, slingshots, martial arts equipment and various other items sold by sport and outdoor stores will be severely inhibited. Minister of Safety and Security Charles Nqakula published a list of proposed restrictions on the 20 items considered to be “dangerous weapons” in the Government Gazette of 1 February, 2008. For a full list see

Several industry organisations and companies have submitted objections. Objections can be emailed to Director J Slabbert at or mailed to him at SAPS Legal Support:Crime Operations, Private Bag X94, Pretoria 0001 before March 14.

Sports Trader will also submit an objection – feel free to contact Trudi du Toit if you wish us to include your comments in our submission.

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