Sports Trader
Titles published by Rocklands Communications:
March 2008 • Issue 4

Blade, Tool and Sporting Goods Forum

Press release

To all prospective members and interested parties:
RE: Dangerous weapons act notice 158 of 2008 / Update from the Blade, Tool and Sporting goods Forum

After discussion between Ramrod, Cutlery distribution Group, Awesome tools, Kreature and the Knife Makers Guild we have formed the BLADE, TOOL AND SPORTING GOODS FORUM.


The BLADE TOOL AND SPORTING GOODS FORUM supports responsible, reasonable laws designed to limit or prohibit violence and was formed for the purpose of representing the interests of Sporting Goods importers, manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers, retailers, collectors and public users of Sporting goods, blades and tools. Membership is invited from any company, business or organization with a commercial interest in any of these items and a website is being set up to update both members of the Forum and the general public. We welcome constructive comment and support for our opposition to the proposed regulations of the dangerous weapons act.

Attached is the Blade, Tool and Sporting Goods Forum’s initial analysis of the proposed regulations to the Dangerous Weapons Act. This analysis of the proposed regulations and comment is from the Forum's Attorney and official Spokesperson, Martin Hood. Please read this assessment and carefully consider the potential impact on your company's or organization's business and everday operations. If these regulations effect you in any way, please contact Stanley Gordon at (011) 785-4834, Marc Ager at (011) 462-6986, Andre Thorburn (082) 6501-1441 or Gideon Du Toit (082) 450-3222 to obtain more details about joining the Forum or making a financial donation to assist in the costs of opposing these proposals.

These regulations are potentially of great concern concern to many companies, cc's and organizations manufacturing, distibuting, using or trading in the following items:

  • knives and blades including but not restricted to kitchen knives, butcher's knives, fish filleting knives, hunting and agricultural knives, collectors knives, Multi-tools, daggers, swords, bayonets, assegais, spears automatic knives, pocket knives, martial arts knives.
  • spearguns and divers knives.
  • any tool or garden or farming implement which could conceivably be used as a weapon such as a grass slasher, panga, sickle, hammer, axe, screwdriver, poker etc. A direct quote from SAP legal services director Selby Bokaba states this "Includes basically anything that is not a firearm but could cause some kind of harm".
  • air rifles, paint ball guns, BB guns, pneumatic compressed air guns, air soft guns.
  • bows, arrows and archery equipment, cattle prodders or Stun-guns.
  • tonfas, Batons, Nunchakus, throwing stars and other security and martial arts tools and equipment.
  • catapaults, slingshots.
  • spearguns and diver's knives.

The Forum understands we should try above all else to enter a meaningful and constructive dialogue with the bodies responsible for these proposed regulations. We need to provide well-reasoned alternatives to the negative aspects of this proposal, rather than simply condeming it out of hand, while at the same time putting together a substantial fund from the members to be able to mount a legal challenge if necessary. All funds will be paid into attorney Martin Hood's trust account and be subject to professional audit by a recognised accounting firm. All work done by Martin so far, has been at no cost to the forum, but he obviously will have to charge once costs are being incurred. Jordy Rosenberg of "Damnfine by Design" will provide his services as a concerned citizen in hosting the website and web design, charging only direct costs and not for his time. The website and email addresses should be operational early next week.

At this point letters have been sent by Martin Hood requesting a extension of the the time allowed for response (as sufficient time for an industry wide response was not possible) and requesting they supply us with the reasons and proposed purpose/ intention of these ammendments so we may try to offer valid and constructive proposals.

The fund has been set up so far with contributions of R10,000.00 each from Cutlery Distribution Group, Awesome Tools and Ramrod and a US$1,000.00 donation from Cold Steel, USA. SAGA has pledged R5,000.00 and Magnum Magazine R1,000.00, Kreature R1,000.00, The Knife Makers Guild will join up and a number of importers, dealers and retailers are just awaiting a further communication with the forums information and bank details, in order to join and offer their support.

A membership contribution amount was proposed but as this affects so many businesses of so many varying sizes and financial capabilities it was put forward that membership should be open to all businesses and organisations wishing to contribute at whatever level they feel they can afford.

A membership form can be submitted on the website, or contact Martin Hood at Email:

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